
Hospitality Industry: How To Re-Evaluate Your Business And Survive The Crisis -- So You Can Avoid Being A Victim

Your business hasn't failed as a result of the crisis -- your business, while physically remaining open, had failed prior to the crisis.

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What Your Desires Really Mean

If you don’t trust yourself to show up fully in a certain situation or environment, you won’t feel confident in it. Lack of confidence is conditioned into you by years of mindless practice of not being your full and true self. By self protecting, plying small, hiding, pretending, performing, perfecting and comparing.

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How To Conduct Employee Reviews

For many, restaurants are a transitional path for people on the way to “real” jobs or careers. Yet, this truth is a poor excuse for the industry’s notoriously high turnover. In reality, lack of employer support and diminished growth opportunities -- not the prospects of a “real job” -- are some of the biggest contributing factors to why most people leave the restaurant industry. 

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What To Say To Your Hospitality Team In Pre-Shift Meetings

The truth is, many restaurants don't have pre-shift meetings, and some that do still don't have a solid system or strategy around how they do it. Many restaurant managers think of pre-shift meetings as a necessary evil. They make it boring and glum by merely talking about new specials, 86’d items, and pointing out the negatives, like wrong uniform or schedule issues.

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How To Succeed At Work And Still Have A Life

I was once an overworked, irritated, greasy-food eating, no-life having, moody and perpetually sleep-deprived restaurant manager. I was definitely burning my candle at both ends. I’d spend 11 to 12 hours at work, plus two hours driving both ways. My off days would evaporate into catching up on sleep, self-care and errands.

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How to Become a Restaurant Manager Your Team Will Love

Between wearing many hats, the pressure to wear them all well, and juggling what can seem like a thousand daily tasks, restaurant management is survival of the fittest. It’s a job where shifts notoriously last 10-14 hours (sometimes longer), which can be taxing on the body and overwhelming on the mind.

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