
The Healing Power Of Complaining - And How To Complain Effectively

I’ve been talking about trauma and loss, so I want to talk about complaining.

We are experiencing a loss of freedom, connection and fear of economic fall during this pandemic. We are not used to this kind of prevalent, lengthy and collective grief in the air.

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Confidence is EVERYTHING, but what is it?

If you don’t trust yourself to show up fully in a certain situation or environment, you won’t feel confident in it. Lack of confidence is conditioned into you by years of mindless practice of not being your full and true self. By self protecting, plying small, hiding, pretending, performing, perfecting and comparing.

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Management Skills That Can Help You In Business (And In Life)

Restaurants are unique because they combine every element of business under one roof: product creation, distribution, service, team development, strategy, marketing, operations, finance, tactical execution and more. Managing a business with all of these elements in one place is an opportunity you shouldn't miss. 

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How To Succeed At Work And Still Have A Life

I was once an overworked, irritated, greasy-food eating, no-life having, moody and perpetually sleep-deprived restaurant manager. I was definitely burning my candle at both ends. I’d spend 11 to 12 hours at work, plus two hours driving both ways. My off days would evaporate into catching up on sleep, self-care and errands.

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6 Ways To See Through The Posers And Find A Real Coach

Everyone's a coach now! My Instagram feed doesn’t lie. Coaches for this, and coaches for that. They are everywhere! Health coaches, life coaches, business coaches, fitness coaches, relationship coaches, wealth coaches. And I love this one: lifestyle coaches, e.i. undercover network marketers.

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